Transmission: Chiara Dellerba
Transmission: Chiara Dellerba
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
Dorothy Fleming Lecture Theatre, Charles Street Building, SHU City Campus
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Chiara Dellerba is an artist, facilitator and curator. whose work explores ecology, placemaking and conviviality. She develops long-term collaborative and interdisciplinary projects that aim to expand notions of place, community and human/more-than-human relationships. She founded Zona Planetaria, a residency which promotes slowing down, contemplation and practices of care in rural settings. She is currently working on Reimagining Sleep investigating how creativity can support sleep research and The Chimera Plantarium, a multidisciplinary, collaborative engagement programme which explores weeds to rethink public places. Exhibitions include Macro Museum; 58th Venice Biennale (Italy); Onetwentyeight Gallery (USA), Kiyomiyamagishi (Japan); Fermynwoods Contemporary Art (UK), Biennial of Western Balkans (Bulgaria).


There is direct, step-free access from Charles Street, Sheffield.
Everyone is welcome!
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