Abi Ridden
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Abi Ridden
Abi Ridden has had a passion for design from an early age and studying it at University has furthered her passion even more. During her degree, she gained a wide variety of experience, ranging from working with Ikea and Lowe Alpine, to designing packaging for biotechnology companies. On her placement year, she worked with an industrial lighting company, generating lighting and energy saving concepts and during her time at university she has worked on various projects from designing medical packaging, behaviour changing utensils, logo design for real companies and built a clothing brand. Ridden explores solutions outside of the ‘Norm’ and her belief in forward thinking in design ideation allows her to push the boundaries of her designs.
Enough on Our Plates
Abi Ridden
Product Design
Imperium context image-24_05_2021-Wood,Glass – ABI RIDDEN