Emily Shaw
Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 14.14.06 – EMILY SHAW
Emily Shaw
Emily Shaw is a sustainability-focused interior architecture and design graduate whose most recent project explores how we could help individuals who have been directly affected by climate change, such as evacuees from Sheffield’s recurrent flooding. She designed her own emergency shelter that could be utilised as part of an action plan within her wider concept of a community centre.
Another project tackles more controversial topics. Shaw created a restaurant that introduced a series of robotic arms that would replace human staff in an attempt to stop the spread of viruses. She researched into the environmental benefits of artificially grown meats and included a growing laboratory underneath her restaurant. Shaw plans to find a job in design to continue to develop her knowledge and experience.
Emily Shaw
Emergency Action Plan
Interior Architecture and Design
Mezzanine Visualisation
Enough on Our Plates
CoLAB 23
CoLAB 23