Kennedy Drake
A Land of Austerity, With Hope for Prosperity
Canvas sewn to material
Kennedy Drake
Kennedy Drake’s art practice is disparate, drawing upon multiple disciplines from screen printing and sculpture to painting and embroidery. Her work often focuses on commenting about social issues, highlighting the experiences and stories of those at the sharp end of inequalities. Throughout her BA final year, Drake focused on a design theory called ‘hostile architecture’ and its use in orchestrating public space to exercise social control and perpetuate social inequalities. This hostility permeates into all aspects of public life, such as the social security, housing and immigration systems, and preserves and strengthens beliefs and attitudes about the lower classes. Throughout her MFA, Drake has explored different versions of hostile environments and examined inequalities throughout her portfolio. Using different methods and techniques, she presented a hard-hitting critique of class inequality in the UK and beyond. She highlighted how some people live comfortably whilst rates of homelessness, destitution and child poverty are rising.
Degree Show
Kennedy Drake
A Land of Austerity, With Hope For Prosperity
Postgraduate Fine Art
A Land of Austerity, With Hope for Prosperity
Future Now