Sammy Levinson
Sammy Levinson
Samuela, known online by the alias “Svenrin,” is the creative force behind “Gods Domain.” Residing in a small village between Manchester and Sheffield, she is surrounded by the serene nature of the Peaks.

Samuela’s artistic journey began as soon as she could pick up a pencil, driven by an early love of dinosaurs and animals. Her grandmother’s artworks of Polish folkloric characters and the many adventures her parents took her on as avid travelers and hitchhikers in the early 2000s further fueled her passion. By her teens, she had already seen much of Europe, and these experiences enriched her art.

She started creating characters and stories inspired by the creatures and cultures she encountered on her travels. The admiration of her classmates for her artwork during school only fueled her love for illustration and sharing it with others. Posting her work online allowed her to gain an audience and discover new artists and inspirations.

The animation course was the perfect fit for Samuela. As a lover of animated movies and media, it paired perfectly with her passion for creating characters and stories. Through animation, she could bring her illustrations to life.

“Gods Domain” is born out of her world-building passion project, a place where her characters and stories exist. These ideas have been with her for so long, and hardly any of it has been shared with the public yet. This project will be the first proper glimpse into that world.

Sammy Levinson
Gods Domain
Gods Domain
Future Now: Festival of Creativity 2024