Poetry is integral to this Hannah Parker’s video installation, BECOMING. Phrases from Rilke’s poetry and verses from the Bible create are superimposed on an almost abstract film of fabric blowing in the wind. As we read the poem, we realise some stanzas are separated, an almost nonsensical conversation where each line as can be seen as a new thought or new line of dialogue. Two films (one with the poetry and one without) play together on the four walls of the room so that the movement of the material is simultaneous on each wall. Viewers attention shifts between the poetry, and the simple mesmerising movement of the material, the low light and low sound of blowing wind.
A committed Christian, Parker sees her work as “a resting space for the viewer. Our lives are so busy because of working or looking at our phones, and advertisements. I want people to always sense a longing for knowing their being and be at peace with who they are”.
Parker is training as a secondary school art teacher where she hopes to help young people foster creative spaces within their lives to support their mental health and wellbeing.