The pieces William Denison has made are a blend between virtual and physical works. Denison has firstly created a series of virtual, fantasy-style maps that are used for tabletop roleplaying games. Denison finds that these games are a particular passion, and the power to create a fantasy world with complete creative freedom is a very enjoyable process. The work created is used for games that he runs on a weekly basis, and each map comes accompanied with a description to be read aloud for the players as well as Denison’s accompanying notes and a story for each location that the players get to interact with.
The other works that he has created are large dioramas of locations acting as physical, three-dimensional alternatives to the virtual maps available. These include a small forest piece and an ocean diorama. These pieces work well with miniatures and creating mechanics of the game, as well as exploring how our imaginations interact differently with both the physical and virtual visual stimuli to create ideas for the games themselves.