What We Could Lose is a 2D rotoscoped animated film focusing on lions and the dangers they face. This animated piece showcases the beauty of lions as a species while also highlighting their precarious situation. The film begins with clips of lions rotoscoped in 2D against traditionally illustrated backgrounds. It then transitions to depicting the issues causing the decline in lion populations, such as habitat loss and human intervention. These issues are presented with facts and statistics to illustrate the current situation and elicit a call to action. Following these sobering facts, the film suggests methods to help address the crisis. The title screen then appears, followed by a transition to real footage of a lion, as the rotoscoped layer fades away. This final transition emphasizes that, while the film is animated, it addresses real issues in today’s society.
What We Could Lose is a 2D rotoscoped animated film focusing on lions and the dangers they face. This animated piece showcases the beauty of lions as a species while also highlighting their precarious situation. The film begins with clips of lions rotoscoped in 2D against traditionally illustrated backgrounds. It then transitions to depicting the issues causing the decline in lion populations, such as habitat loss and human intervention. These issues are presented with facts and statistics to illustrate the current situation and elicit a call to action. Following these sobering facts, the film suggests methods to help address the crisis. The title screen then appears, followed by a transition to real footage of a lion, as the rotoscoped layer fades away. This final transition emphasizes that, while the film is animated, it addresses real issues in today’s society.