Elizabeth Williams
Elizabeth Williams
The career path Elizabeth Williams had always wanted to pursue was furniture design, a passion that became evident to both herself and her tutors from the moment she joined the course. As Williams progressed in her studies, she felt a profound sense of happiness when given the opportunity to work on a furniture project. Williams had a strong interest in sustainable design, and the chance to learn about circular processes and the diverse facets of sustainability was particularly captivating. She deeply cared about incorporating these principles into her work, infusing her designs with a sense of environmental consciousness.

Williams found the course to be an exciting and enjoyable journey, which made her work immensely fulfilling and kept her motivated throughout the experience. The thrill of each new task and the sheer pleasure she derived from her creative endeavors continually fueled her dedication and drive. Williams’ unwavering passion for furniture design and her commitment to sustainable practices shaped her experience, guiding her towards a future she had always envisioned.

Elizabeth Williams
Product Design
Future Now