Joana Azevedo
Joana Azevedo
For her future career, Joana wants to undertake a PGCE with QTS in Primary Education with STTA in alliance with Sheffield Hallam University, a course takes around 10 months to complete. Her aim is to become a primary teacher, teaching either KS1 OR KS2. Joana also has intentions of starting her own Art club for children to get creative during half term/ Summer holidays.

Having done an Interior Architecture and Design degree has given Joana a multitude of valuable skills, as well as allowing her to meet some amazing and inspiring people in her industry. Joana would especially like to thank the tutors of the IAD department who make sure that every pupil feels welcomed and a part of the design community at Hallam.

“I am excited to see what my peers get up to in the upcoming years, and what they will bring into the industry as the ‘new’ generation of designers!”

Future Now
Joana Azevedo
Interior Architecture and Design
Azul, Window View