Shannon Harrison
Concreate Wall Wayfinding Mockup_SHANNON HARRISON
Shannon Harrison
Shannon Harrison’s career path is to work in a company or higher lux brand. She wants to explore different jobs which are creative and work in teams and events. She wants to work on posters, marketing, branding or photography. This includes a window editor, creating window advertising.

She has previously worked in retail at high designer brands, including Chanel, Prada and Gucci where she learnt about designer brands and how graphic design makes it more luxury. Working at Next helped her to learn about customers, retail and marketing. She would also like to work in fashion layout or magazine designing.

She is also inspired by mixing graphic design with designing home furniture or rooms for creative living spaces. She has always wanted to work with furniture and would like to learn more about this after she finishes her degree. She believes graphic design will help her future creative jobs and wants to develop her skills in future.

Degree Show
& Then Some
Shannon Harrison
Gymshark: moving away from the male image
Graphic Design
Concrete wall
Future Now