Fashion Design
Marvin Luna
Odd Being
Fashion Design
Graduate Fashion Week
Photograph from fashion week, flamboyant ruffles and school uniform
Marvin Luna
Odd Being

Marvin Luna‘s project is a reflection of his experience as a gay Asian child migrating to a predominantly Caucasian country. Growing up, he questioned himself before leaving the house. ‘Should I wear something manly to avoid confrontation or should I be myself and wear what I want?’

This dates back to when he felt the most comfortable in his school uniform as the uniform is consistent and a symbol of belonging to a community, something that allowed him to disguise himself, especially being the only Asian student in his class.

The feeling reminded him of the feeling of vertigo and the film Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock was heavily incorporated into Luna’s work through the exploration of prints and aesthetic. The way Hitchcock figured out a way to visually make the audience feel of vertigo, he wanted to similarly create an effect through the use of fabrics and print.

Novak's Legacy
Illustrations inspired by vertigo, and an expectation to act feminine
Man Up
Illustrations, opposing the phrase "man up" and what it means
Design development
Design process, marrying tailoring and femininity
Graduate Fashion Week
Photograph from fashion week, flamboyant ruffles and school uniform
School Boy
Mixed media digital illustration, bucket hat with frills and dynamic stripes to create a moiré effect
School Boy
Illustration of bored model in designed knitwear, paying homage to Britney Spears’ Oops I Did it Again
Cumulus Student Talent Camp
Fashion Design
Image by Iona Peat
Behind the Scenes
ASBO Magazine
Fashion Design
Image courtesy ASBO
Behind the Scenes
British Fashion Council Graduate Preview
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
Lauren J Riley, Samuel Salisbury
Placement Focus
Fashion Design
Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson Interview
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
Industry Interviews
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
Eloise Collett, Emily Dickinson
Size? Winners
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
GFF Shortlisted
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
London Fashion Show 2023
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
Innes Thomson
Alumni Exhibition
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
GFW Catwalk London 2023
Fashion Design
Behind the Scenes
Menswear Focus
Fashion Design
Eloise Collett
The Baby Blues
Fashion Design
The Baby Blues
Cultural Metamorphosis
Fashion Design
Cultural Metamorphosis
Edeza Palicte
Ephemeral Archive
Fashion Design
Lauren J Riley
Fashion Design
Phoebe Ostick
Immortal she
Fashion Design
Samuel Salisbury
Maybe I don’t belong here
Fashion Design
Tori Jagger
The Subversion of Albion
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Izzy Burton
Catch Yourself On Wee Fella’
Fashion Design
Izzy Bagshaw
Fluid Ties: the Inextricable Connection between Humans and Water
Fashion Design
Fran Stinton
Fashion Design
Fiona Ferguson
Off the Pace
Fashion Design