Florence Carter’s work focuses on the tense of touch as touch is a sense so deeply rooted within day to day life, often unnoticed. Touch also has an intrinsic connection to our emotions with the word feeling referring not only to our sense of touch but also our emotions, in contrast to this tactless is used to describe someone who lacks emotional intelligence, referring to how they lack touch with the surrounding world.
Carter’s three projects explore this relationship. ‘Feeling Ore’ is a capacitive dimmer switch, encouraging you to move your hand over the gritstone texture until you find your desired lighting level.
‘Touch the Rain’ is a capacitive on/off light switch which encourages you to run your hand through the chain, experiencing something like the flowing of water.
Finally ‘Balance Your Biome’ represents an eco-friendly washing kit for an imagined future in which water is rationed. Through her practice, Carter investigates how objects can create a deep emotional connection with the user and a momentary connection with the textures of nature.