Rituals are not necessarily good or bad, but they are powerful. They influence our everyday lives by effecting our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. As society becomes more modern, traditions are ceasing to exist, or becoming easily forgotten. The main focus has changed to more private and work life outlooks, including the psychological satisfaction shift in the convenience of things, rather than their meaning. We live in a rapidly changing world which has created interesting “modern practices” around cash, contactless and mobile payment, and how people are tending to forget basics, like what is money?
Physical money loses its status. Money related objects such as cash machines, wallets, and physical banks will be forgotten. Most of us receives a salary in a bank account, and withdrawing money is not necessary as online payments, and contactless is generally accepted. This way of paying is simple, comfortable and relatively safer option, not to mention, more hygienic. Money (and different investments such as gold, cryptocurrency) itself unites nations, cultures, economics, and nature. It has a power to affect our quality of life, and so therefore developing the right attitude towards and keeping it in a right place is important. But have we developed any emotion towards physical money/wealth? Would a cashless society turn the world into a dystopian nightmare, or an utopian dream? Zsofia Nagy has created a set of jewellery which tells different stories about modern society, human behaviour, and feelings, involved with money.
Nagy has a realistic view about what money does, and doesn’t do, for her happiness. Have you?