Taste is a very personal sense, everyone has their favourite and least favourite flavours. Wang makes use of the characteristics of ice to visualise taste, a sensation that cannot be seen or touched. Ice, which disappears over time, can change in different ways depending on the temperature. The fusion of the characteristics of the material ice with the sense of taste, the interaction with the wearer, the video recording of the process of change, the traces left by the melting ice and the necklace, like the aftertaste of the flavour in the mouth and the memory of the moment, the whole process is part of the work.
Wang’s work consists of three parts, the first being the wearable ice jewellery, the second clothes which trace the melting ice and the third being a video of each piece of jewellery being worn. The video breaks the boundaries of what is normally presented as jewellery – it can be shown anywhere there is an electronic installation, like an advertisement.