The Packaging Publication was created by Brooke Massey, to inform designers about packaging design, and to provide information on materials that can be used. The publication comes in a box with samples of packaging materials inside. This is so the owner can put the Packaging Publication up on a wall, creating a creative workspace for packaging design, but can also so it can be taken down and kept safe inside the box.
The paper used for the Packaging Publication is all recycled, as Massey aimed to design this project with the environment in mind. The type was also carefully chosen for it to have a good impact on the environment. The type used is “Century Gothic”, this type doesn’t use a lot of ink when printing so was one of the best options for the publication.
Each of the page sizes have been considered, and all have a meaning behind why they are the size that they are. Four of the bigger pages are the same size as the box that it comes in, which makes it easier for the publication to be placed in. Two of the pages about plastic are the same size as a plastic bottle, reflecting what is written on the pages. The rest of the pages are post-it note sizes, representing the creative workspace that is made when the Packaging Publication is up on the wall.