A futuristic, government response to homelessness in which people in need are given an all purpose, weather-proof, formal suit, forms the outcome of Max Armstrong’s research into fashion for protest – and a protest itself. The All Purpose Suit provides warmth, protection, and also formal interview attire – and is a response to by a close family member’s involvement in homeless support work and what Armstrong’s own observations in Sheffield.
“The suit itself is something I am incredibly proud of. Over the course of a Christmas holiday, my living room at home became a tailor’s workshop of sorts as I gave myself a crash course in sewing and suit making. Much to my huge relief, the tarpaulin I had bought worked perfectly in the sewing machine, and I returned to university with a functioning plastic suit. To realise this suit in reality and bring it to life, I used photography and photoshop to compose photos of the suit being worn on the streets of Sheffield. The final publication captured both the final work and the process of creating the suit. The intention is to use it to open a discourse about our approach, as a society, to how we help vulnerable people on our streets.”
Since leaving university, Armstrong has continued to work with Sheffield-based events company, Magnetic North, on a rebranding project and a mix series cover. He has worked with artist Tom Lovelace to create posters for his forthcoming exhibition. He has also spent the last two months working as a graphic designer for the Gateshead-based media company Epic Social.
Read the All Purpose Suit publication