The concept of moving away from your home country for a better education is sold to prospective students by universities, as a life filled with great opportunities and amazing experiences. Students from different backgrounds and countries come to the UK for a better education, and are promised greater opportunities, but are often led to disappointment and in search of hope. International students contribute to the UKs net economic benefit of 25 million pounds (tuition fees, non-tuition spending, income associated with students’ families and friends visiting them in the UK). But, do UK universities offer this “amazing” experience? How do the students feel during their time at university? Are they supported?
Anastasia Nicolaou’s publication focuses on the difficulties that international students face during their time at university in the UK. During this project Nicolaou interviewed current international students at Sheffield Hallam University, and used their answers to generate the publication. Many students face various challenges during their time at university, and many do not receive any support they were promised beforehand.
The aim of this brief is to bring to the surface all of these issues, and to inform other international students that what they are going through is not taboo.