Yasmin Redman has designed an eco-conscious gym franchise concept from scratch, called ‘Volt Gyms’. As well as utilising solar power and wind power, the gym equipment – including the bikes, treadmills and steppers, as well as the swimming pools – generate electricity when used. All this means that the gyms would be self-sufficient and any extra power that is produced would be provided to the members of the local community who are in need of a helping hand, and local charities. The swimming pools within the gyms would capture every ounce of power by utilising cutting-edge miniature wave power generators. So, while people splash around, or swim a length, all that motion is translated into electric power. Yasmin has designed posters and a brochure advertising the gyms, the exterior and interior of one building, a website and merchandise.
Yasmin has also designed an app called ‘GeoKnow’ from scratch which makes learning geography easily accessible, interactive and fun. GeoKnow aims to reduce the high rates of geographic illiteracy and expand users’ knowledge about the languages, cultures, history and the links between ethnic groups within their local area. She believes we must be educated on human geography to understand other cultures and traditions which we can sometimes learn from and forge a global community. Improved education could put an end to dated and cliched stereotypes and beliefs that people hold against each other.