Despite 5 years of experience in Graphic Design, the project “Water on a live wire” is the first of Alex Scanlon’s work that has revolved around designing for music, or an album cover. “Water on a Live Wire” is an album name for his brother’s aspiring rap career, named after the reaction caused by a live wire in water, with this in mind, the album has dark tones and changes in tempo that needed to be shown visually through Scanlon’s work. While this was only a short project, album art and poster designs were the perfect place to set the tone for the album and for the artist, with the visceral reaction of electricity and water needing to be shown in each piece of the design work, while also trying to appeal to a range of audiences. The work created took influence from such existing works as Dave’s “Psychodrama” album and JME’s “Grime M”’ album for their use of gritty imagery and visual effects, and overall created the eye-catching design pieces that he needed for this project.