Eat Seasonal by Zlatina Tencheva is a campaign for a conscious consumption brief that aims to educate consumers about the benefits of eating seasonal fruit. Having grown up in a country where peaches are only available in summer and pears in autumn, Tencheva found it odd that seasonal eating is uncommon in the UK.
Tencheva wanted the designs to be as minimalistic as possible, while imitating the distinctive style and colours of fruit stickers. However, Tencheva chose to use stamps rather than stickers, since they are more environmentally friendly. Stickers are made with a thin layer of plastic and because of their small size, they are a big issue for industrial composting facilities.
To inform the customers of seasonal eating options, Tencheva created tote bags with the seasonal fruits printed onto the canvas. Instead of wondering which fruit is in season, the shopper can simply look at their bag to make an informed decision. In the photographs of the work, Tencheva created a calm and warm feeling – with visuals inspired by a picnic in the park during a sunny late afternoon.