No one is cool. Not even you is a series of very short publications written and designed by Michael Peters. The series is split into six different publications which each focus on certain branches of what it means to be ‘cool’. Drawing on discussions with an industry expert about fashion trends, Peters created a web of cool expounding how widespread supposedly unique influences are. Each publication unique front cover, with its own colour and embossing reflecting the content of the publication, to ensure that there’s no feel of needing to read them in sequence.
Peters loves colour and is intrigued by the effect different hues and tones can have on an audience
“I love creating a colour palette and I know that choosing the right, or in some cases wrong, colours can massively affect the way a brand, exhibition or campaign is seen by the world”.
Peters’ other projects year demonstrate the varied nature his work and interests, from exhibition design, campaign branding, publications and mythical football teams.
Peters has experience working freelance and also as part of an agency, including eight months working as a Junior Designer for Stockport-based design agency Dawn Creative.