How can we use design to stimulate conversations and help educate young people about the importance of sexual consent?
When it comes to sex, there is a lot of misinformation about what constitutes consent.
“Human beings do not have to say the word ‘no’ to be understood clearly in any number of social situations – but when it comes to sex, rape culture tells us that only ‘no’ can possibly mean no. Them’s the rules.” (Harding, 2017)
To combat this issue, Lauren Griggs has created Don’t F**k It Up, a board game aimed at teenagers and young adults to help educate them on this topic and encourage them to make the right choices when it comes to sex and consent.
The game includes information about different myths and facts about sexual violence, and also presents different sexual situations that someone may find themselves in, where the choices the players make affect their position in the game.
Grigg’s own experience of school sex education classes at school, was typical with consent never mentioned. As an avid fan of board games herself, she believes that by creating a fun and exciting way for young people to learn about consent around the age that they usually become sexually active, they will be able to take in more information and a game is a great way to make education more enticing.
Creating Don’t F**k It Up has stretched the Griggs’ practice enabling her to create her first physical product: a fully functional board game, including promotional material.