Golden Years is the exploration of youth culture. Being a youth is about enjoying the years throughout adolescence into early adulthood, and the experiences that come with it. Golden Years refers to these years of being a youth. Golden Years is a representation of these years being favourable, happy and special. Also, Golden is the description of positive emotion. Capturing and displaying different eras of youth, from family archives to Generation Z and how these visually juxtapose through society and different eras. However, understanding what being a Youth is stays the same. Golden Years is based personally on the creator, and all those captured within photography are loved ones in her life. Captured through film lenses, a raw depiction of reality from dusk till dawn is displayed with no “filtered” effect or edits.
The creator, Kelsey Crofts, has centred this project around her personal experiences with moving to Sheffield for university and the emotions and connotations that come along with it. There was an intentional focus on the happiness that can occur through the mundane life tasks such as cooking tea, taking the bins out and cleaning, if you are surrounded by the people who can make any boring task, fun and memorable.