Being a Hijabi in general.
This topic is huge and controversial.
And since Ainin Sofiya is a Hijabi, she can relate to this topic greatly. Just try to picture what it would have been like to live in the past and deal with all of these struggles. And how does she handle waking up the following day to the same things happening over and over again?
The theme of this photo shoot is feeling and being authentic. Being oneself in a community these days may be impossible due to the opinions and ‘appearance’ of others. When you’re a Muslim and a Hijabi, it gets worse. People will be staring at you as if you were a terrorist who would blow up the entire building. Yet thankfully, generation Z has a more contemporary and informed perspective when it comes to this. Yet not everyone shares this attitude and way of thinking; some of them still have strong cultural stereotypes. They are insensitive to others who arrived with a different background and way of life. So, this photo/videoshoot of Ainin’s, has only one vision and mission and that is to change people’s mindset and also educate them that we are all the same. That is human. Educate them on Islam and Hijab so that they have a better understanding regarding this religion.
As for Ainin’s photoshoot, there is a deeper meaning to these pictures. Even though we are present in society, we are not seen as legitimate. In today’s society, our opinions, as well as our own, are invalid. For Muslim women who wear hijabs, going outside requires bravery and guts. It’s frightening how commonplace harassment has become in today’s society.