Social media can impact the way we think in modern society. Whether that be through aesthetics, consumerism, or a number of other influences in our daily lives. This acceleration of the popularity of social media has provided a platform for users to express themselves, or the version of themselves that they want the world to see. This has allowed for unrealistic ideologies to be broadcasted to a wide audience, therefore creating an unobtainable idea of beauty.
The illusion of “perfection” is perceived as not only achievable, but necessary, and is promoted all over social media, through influencers and brand campaigns. The desire to alter these imagined “imperfections” are heightened through the use of filters and image enhancing apps, that have been reinforced through the pressure of beauty standards set by society.
Generation Z have taken on board an obsession with looking the same as the people they see, particularly on social media. This impacts the mental health of many young people. A change needs to happen, starting with the consumer, to break away from this addictive nature, and to withdraw this obsession of comparing themselves with people on social media.
Lucy Todd has been on an overwhelming personal journey, and the aim of this project is her way of communicating and sharing this. She has ensured that her project, Illusion, focuses on uncovering the dark beauty and inescapable pressures of extreme beauty standards that are promoted on social media. Todd’s project aims to start conversations, and create a community, through powerful imagery, and encourage people to question the content they post and admire on social media.
Illusion delivers a strong message that is accurate, honest and real, with a focus on three key themes, such as: beauty standards, reflection, and distortion. It’s a true encapsulation and personal response to the challenges people face in society today, and is a way to begin celebrating individuality.