Evelyn Jones created Ladylike publication as a way of raising awareness of the issues faced by female creatives. It aims to explore the power struggle between men and women within the fashion industry. Also, it hopes to show young females that it is possible to achieve your goals and not let patriarchal stereotypes prevent them from reaching powerful positions within the industry. Additionally, Ladylike will be used as a female only networking site to allow women from all aspects of the creative industry to come together and collaborate, support and empower each other.
The photography series were heavily inspired by female photographers such as Petra Collins, Cass Bird and Harley Weir, showing a comparison in stereotypes and the negative impact they can have on women. The collection has 3 separate shoots, all of which have one underlying common theme – female empowerment.
Within the publication is an interview with female leadership coach Anna Woods, who was a great inspiration to Jones, and shared some inspiring and realistic insight of her experiences working in the fashion industry as a female.
The publication is heavily inspired by the creators own personal experiences as a young female navigating their way through the start of industry.