L’ART POUR L’ART is a publication created by Hannah Rigby as part of her final year project. It focused on expanding creativity through examining other artists, movements and mediums for inspiration. Through collaborations with models and photographers, the publication was made up of three different shoots and a film. Selected images from the publication are shown below.
The first shoot UNVEILED was inspired by religious veiled sculptures, which were modernised and recreated. Rigby took the dual role of model and art director for the shoot, working alongside photographer Amy Ashley-Mather. Together they created a dark and eerie atmosphere around the final images to evoke a shocking reaction from the viewer.
A FISH OUT OF WATER was the second shoot within L’ART POUR L’ART and which also ran alongside a short film. The concept was based around surrealism and focused around a young woman on her ‘wedding day’, with the groom as an artificial fish head. The viewer is not given much context to what is happening in the images and the film, whether is reality or fantasy. Instead, the viewer must come up with their own interpretation.
The final shoot within the publication, PRODUCTION LINE, is a satire on fashion as a hyper-capitalist industry. Loosely inspired by the Pop Art movement, the images explore how we buy clothing excessively, but will often say that we have ‘nothing to wear’. The irony being that there is probably a full wardrobe of clothing waiting to be worn. It is still too quick and easy to go online and order a new piece of clothing that may only be worn once.