Luxe is a concept by Sam Brimicombe to explore the infinite definitions of luxury. The exhibition concept will be an opportunity for creatives, designers, and artists to share their interpretations of what luxury is and what it means to them. The podcast involves a new episode every two weeks with a new guest each time. The podcast involves a discussion about different interpretations of luxury and each guest will be from a different background and a different career from the last. This allows for a range of varied conversations to get as many variations and answers as possible, keeping it interesting and well rounded. The zine will be released once every month and the content will vary between each one. All the communications of luxe have the same purpose and that’s to explore luxury from different perspectives and help shift thought processes and open consumers’ eyes to what they have and perhaps take for granted could be perceived as a luxury for somebody else. It will also explore how luxuries can be different emotions, physical and non-physical attributes.