In the UK alone, 25 million work/school days are lost every year in absences due to migraines. Despite the disorders currently being classified as ‘…a public health problem of enormous scope’ there are still many widespread misconceptions and misbeliefs about the condition. With a lack of research and understanding in healthcare and society as a whole, most migraineurs feel that their disorder isn’t effectively managed, with high numbers living without accurate, or any diagnosis at all. With no cure for migraines, patients often resort to either treating themselves or simply attempting to ignore their symptoms.
Crania is a wearable medical device with a difference. Working together with the partnering app, it uses a sophisticated biosensor, and predictive and machine learning technology to offer personalised assistance to the migraine sufferer. After an initial 1-3 month usage, Crania establishes ‘usual’ biodata ranges for both migraine and non-migraine days, to then inform the user of outliers or fluctuations which could indicate attack triggers or premonitory symptoms. The LED amber halo illuminates to alert the user of high attack predictions and to inform patient decisions on treatment/action early on, whilst the ‘One-Click’ attack recording allows users to document and track their migraines with ease. Crania’s beneficial app service further aids migraine management with features including an uncomplicated migraine diary, comprehensive attack forecasts, stats summaries, medication tracking, downloadable analysis reports for patient/GP use, regular news, and the ‘migraine community’, where patients can connect with and support one another. Using the Qi-standard wireless charging dish, on-the-go battery refills can be achieved with convenience, ensuring that all Crania user experiences are pain-free.