The purpose of this product is to prevent motion sickness within autonomous vehicles in the future. Motion sickness occurs by contrasting messages to the brain. These messages come from three systems in our bodies: vestibular, visual and proprioceptive. Visual being eyes, vestibular being ears and proprioceptive being sense of movement.
The idea behind the product is to give all three systems the same message so no contrasting messages go to the brain. The product will have an LCD screen connected to a dash cam which will allow the user to see what is ahead of them if they are sat in back or facing the wrong way. Earphones will also play low gamma rays to re-enact the vibration from the vehicle of movement. Then a support at the back of the head will vibrate depending on whether the vehicle is turning right or left or stopping.
The design incorporates all three systems, as well as making sure they all fit together with a futuristic look. From futuristic product research, the designs are very simplistic with colours such as dark greys and blues. The brand will be called Motion Care and will really take off when more and more people are using autonomous vehicles. It will also allow the user to take the product from one vehicle to another with an easy set up. Meaning you can bring it in taxis or your own autonomous car.