Pitch-Pak is trying to provide a solution to the hundreds of thousands of tents, chairs, roll mats, coats and bags left at festivals in the UK.
With Pitch-Pak, Catherine Saunders wanted to not only create a practical product but something that started a conversation. She wanted to invite people to ask questions about where the bag was from, the mish mash of brands creating intrigue and celebrating the bag’s origins. Thousands of reusable products left at festivals go to landfill every year which is a huge problem not unique to this industry. This project aims to be a start changing how people perceive waste. To combat the ever-growing waste problem, we need to not only change our manufacturing systems but also make the switch to see waste as an opportunity rather than problem.
The bag is designed to be suitable for everyday use, commutes, days out, walking in the Peak District etc. Each bag is unique, with the fabric dictating the design rather than wasting useable material to follow a strict design. As part of the brand, the bags are also repaired for life, people are encouraged to keep their bag for longer as their bag is unique, and they can send their bag to be repaired for only the cost of shipping. Catherine hopes to have created a product that people want to own and, that in buying, are able to contribute towards a more sustainable future.