Mihaela Alexandrescu‘s ITNOF STUDIO brand focuses on sustainability without compromising design. The brand aims to raise awareness of the harmful effects caused by the fast-fashion and packaging industries, which are considered to be some of the most polluting industries on a global level. The brand’s commitment towards building an honest and transparent company that fights against plastic pollution and water scarcity comes first, hence why the packaging and products are carefully designed to meet strict sustainability standards, being plastic-free and biodegradable.
As an independent brand, focused on offering great customer service and qualitative products, ITNOF STUDIO chooses to only use premium and sustainable fabrics, such as Tencel. This is a great alternative to cotton because of its sustainable credentials. An important aspect of the brand philosophy is to bring positive change through education in the area of sustainable fashion and beyond. Hence, the company is more than just an ethical apparel label. Its purpose is to educate on fashion-related climate issues and bring positive change in fashion buying habits.
As part of the project, ITNOF STUDIO developed a mobile application concept called ORIGIN. This app is focused on offering a user-friendly platform containing all the latest news regarding fashion and sustainability, as well as products that need to comply with the eco-friendly manufacturing policy. This platform is a place for all consumers who want to adopt an environmentally friendly and mindful lifestyle.