The retail landscape across the United Kingdom and globally is changing rapidly. With the rise of e-commerce and e-grocery shopping, major supermarkets need to adapt and deliver an omnichannel approach if they are to respond successfully to current and future shifts in consumer behavior. Only by integrating digital and physical shopping experiences will major retailers fully serve the evolving needs and demands of the customer. The traditional brick and mortar store model, which has been a feature of supermarket retailing for generations, and which despite upgrades, has fundamentally changed little over the years, needs to response quickly to shifting consumer requirements and offer value and improved service in new and innovative ways.
This project considers and responds to a variety of crucial factors in the next evolutionary phase of supermarket design. In particular, Andrew Birks address customer touchpoints, current market challenges, sustainability, and food waste in the ‘Food to go’ area of stores. With appropriate and relevant industry backed feedback and 5 years’ experience in the tertiary food retail sector, Birks has submitted a multi-layered, sensitive, and synthesised design proposal for one of the UK’s leading retailers; Waitrose.