Work in a cocktail bar, and the waste and inefficiency he observed in the bar industry, has inspired Joe Taylor’s multifunctional slicer and juicer. On a global scale an estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted yearly and in the bar industry one of the most wasted is citrus fruits, through being over prepped and not used.
Taylor’s multifunctional product both slices and juices citrus fruit. The brushed aluminium frame allows these two functions to work together, while storage for the fruit provides quick access to allow for speed of service for bar staff.
The electric juicer makes quick work of fruit with the flow of juice being controlled by an adjustable spout which can be lowered or raised. Cleaning is fast and simple as all the components are removable and machine washable allowing juice residue to be easily removed from the motor housing. The slicer reduces fatigue and repetitive strain through its powerful lever action. Cutter heads are interchangeable allowing for either wedges or slices to be produced, this cut fruit then falls into the gastronome tin below for immediate use.
Taylor has a wide variety of work experience including as a brand ambassador for an App to an international summer school activity member and in his future career he is looking to use the wide variety of professional and design skills he amassed while at university.