For this project, Luke Green was given the task of trying to get people to reduce their carbon foot print for the better of our world. As a designer, we can have an impact by tackling this issue with our work, whether it would be just to spread awareness or have real practical change.
When researching how Green could tackle this issue, he found that people are more inclined to help prevent the climate issue if they will get something out of it in return. Green’s project found a resolution to this, by showing how people can help save our world but also keep money in their pockets as well.
For his designs, Green originally just created a leaflet explaining this in detail and what to do to save money and to help the world. From his feedback, Green was able to expand on this idea as leaflets about climate change have been done before and not something innovate enough to help change the world.
In response to this, Green created an app in addition to the leaflet, which will show how much money you have saved over the past month to the previous with the data you input. Not only does it show how much of your carbon footprint you have reduced, but will give you many tips and links to websites where you can help prevent it.
To show how this app will work, Green has also created an animation with it to show the practical use, and how easier it to understand and maneuver.
This idea is great to include every individual in their wealth background, as it wont cost them anything and gets them more involved to go and do what they think will help.